VITINITY Super Food Collagen Powder with CLINICALLY Proven Ingredient for Adults. (AMLA)

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CAPROS AMLA formula: superior antioxidant benefits; put the “Super” in “Superfruit Amla” (Indian gooseberry). Our collagen supplements harness the power of CAPROS Amla to maximize results. Enjoy our powdered collagen peptides with the clinically proven ingredient that improves anti-aging, heart health and eye health.

Beauty Collagen Peptides: Nourish your beauty upside down and shine with our beauty collagen. The Acai pomegranate flavor with collagen is a delightfully subtle blend of bovine collagen peptides and hyaluronic acid.

Health Benefits: Collagen peptides can be digested and absorbed by the body quickly for maximum benefits. It helps improve the health of your hair, skin, nails, joints, ligaments and tendons**. Capros Beauty collagen dew-inducing hyaluronic acid helps improve skin moisture, elasticity, and radiance.

Delicious ACAI pomegranate flavor: Amla drink blend with collagen peptides for joint and bone health, skin, nails and hair.

CONVENIENT PACKAGING: With our 30-day supply of Amla Capros Superfruit Drink Mix with collagen, convenient and easy way to get your daily dose. 1 tablespoon a day is all you need! It can be taken in the morning, afternoon, or evening, helping you achieve that glow from within. Add it to water, smoothies, or your choice of cocktail, mix and drink. Perfect for on-the-go wellness.

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