Stress Relief When Dealing With Withdrawal Symptoms
Submerge Yourself In Water:
Hot baths offer immediate stress relief when dealing with withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, stress, body aches and muscle spasms associated with drug detox. A little lavender will help calm your mind, too. If you can’t get to a bath, the simple act of submerging your body in a pool can also be a great way to combat stress. Taking up swimming is also another great way to deal with withdrawal symptoms.
Massage Therapy:
Many people hold tension deep within their muscles that simply can’t be relaxed that is a direct result of stress from drug use. Massage therapy for 30 to 60 minutes, one to three days a week, can help ease the stress within your muscles and tendons. Your entire body should feel lighter and loose when you leave a massage session.
Get Some Vitamin D
If you have spent a great deal of time awake at night or indoors during your drug addiction, you are probably deeply deprived of vitamin D. Simply taking a walk outside, getting out in the sun and being outdoors is a great way to get a good bit of vitamin D. Vitamin D deprivation can lead to depression, so incorporating being in the sun into your weekly stress relief routine can do wonders for someone in detox or rehab.
Practicing various forms of art that incorporate the mind, body and soul is a great way to combat stress when you are dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Tai Chi is a form of Qigong that is a self-paced system of gentle exercise and stretching. During Tai Chi, you perform slowly while intently focusing on your body form. Tai Chi incorporates deep breathing while your body in constant motion, so while it is often referred to as a martial art it’s not combat focused in nature.