How To Know When Your Masking One Addiction For Another

How To Know When Your Masking One Addiction For Another

Quite often we give up one addiction only to trade it for another. Many people who find themselves addicted to opiates simply swap it out for a variety of other substances. Substances like heroin, suboxone, alcohol, and even anxiety medication like klonopin, valium, or xanax.

So how do you know when you're covering up one addiction with another?

Find Sober Buddies
Your sober buddies aren’t going to drag you into the local bar or put you in a situation that would jeopardize your sobriety. You know, going into sobriety, that you gotta ditch the friends that were part of your old lifestyle. Get into community activities, join the gym, volunteer, or find a cool church group.

When You’re Sober - You Live Sober
Being sober, means being sober. You live a clean healthy lifestyle with zero substance abuse. Binge drinking is often something an addict will do, and still claim they are sober. No, you’re not. The sooner you admit this, the better your sobriety will be.

Get On The Same Page With Your Doctor
All of your doctors need to know that you’re an addict. You gotta come clean and be honest with everyone. That means telling your doctor you cannot be prescribed something like xanax, valium, or klonopin to mask your symptoms. These drugs can cause relapses or even worse - you can overdose by taking too many when the high wears off. Being sober means, being sober without anxiety medication. So, how do you fight high stress?

Trade Substances for Supplements
Recovery is stressful. Why not trade your substances for supplements! Supplements are proven to help you detox, fight stress, give up smoking, combat anxiety, kick the booze, stomp out opiates and heroin, and they help your body recover naturally. Next thing you know, you’re drinking more water and your skin looks fabulous. You’re going to the gym. Cooking and trying new, healthy recipes. You’re being the best sober you, with a lot of hope, and no masks!



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