Vitinity Support Blog

“While the definition of addiction has changed, why haven’t we?” This question is one oftenposed by people across the U.S. -- more than ever, with the ever increasing problem withprescription pain pills. Opiates are ruining so many lives, so why have the The problem thatmost treatment professionals are seeing is that the way in which the addict is treated issimply outdated. In an interview with Huffington Post, Governor of New Jersey, ChrisChristie tells us exactly what we need to do for addicts today...
  • 2 min read
Our bodies do some funky things when we are under stress. The stress might be causedfrom work, friends or family, personal issues, or even living sober. When you start noticingthese signs it’s time to take a time out, or even call your sponsor or doctor. No matter whatyou’re stressing about here are some things to look out for!
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Sometimes you just need something different for dinner. You don’t have to have a party toserve up a sweet sleep inducing treat. Fun for all ages, these delicious dogs wrapped intortillas and fried to perfection are just the thing to hit the sweet spot and get you ready forbed. Served with a spicy queso fundido, you’ll love this twist on classic turkey dogs.
  • 2 min read
Ready to toss the smokes and get your life back!? We’ve got some great ways to keep youbusy during your smoking detox. With a positive mind, the best supplement ever to help youquit cigarettes, and a few tips and tricks - you’ll be smoke free, for good, in no time!
  • 2 min read
When it comes to getting sober and staying sober, helping others could really turn thingsaround for making your sobriety stick - one day at a time. Finding a positive social networkcan actually be the key in staying sober and kicking your old habits. Recent studies arehelping the sober community overcome relapse one helping hand at a time.
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Hangovers are the worst - especially as you get older. Three beers and you have a splittingheadache that you can’t get rid of! Want to know how to still enjoy a few of your favoritebeverages and still function well the next day? We’ve got you covered…
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Alcoholics can develop sensitivity to foods over long periods of the disease. Thesesensitivities are often derived from foods from which alcohol is made. Foods like yeast, corn,potatoes, wheat, barley, grapes - and especially sugar. Alcoholics often develophypoglycemia and gluten intolerance as a result of their disease and malnourishment. Sowhat should you do when in recovery to help get your body back on track?
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For some recovering addicts, treatment isn’t all that simple. One of the things you can beencouraged to do during recovery is to become more physically active. Getting into the gym,taking up running or joining a piyo class could start to replace your addiction with a lot ofpositive vibes. You may want to peak your performance with a supplement - but is takingperformance enhancing supplements okay during recovery?
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When it comes to entertaining dates for the sober couple, there are loads of fun culturalthings you can do on date night. Check out the latest film or movie. Look for indie filmfestivals near you and go see the latest Cannes or Sundance release. Visit the localmuseum and check out some art. Your local state arts centre may have a cool play orhistorical display too!
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Are you finding it hard to take your life back after quitting opiates? Are you fatiguedfor no reason, gaining weight in just your belly, craving salty foods? You might justhave a condition or abnormality brought on by the abuse of opiates.
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In a world where we are expected to be constantly connected, available and willing toaccomplish multiple tasks set out before us - stress and anxiety are at an all time highamong us all. Stress is often classified as a demand put on you both mentally and physically.People often feel stressed because of the mass amount of demands hanging over them atone time. Anxiety is often a reaction to stress, because in the event that you can’t or don’tknow how to complete all of the tasks at hand you become filled with fear and worry. Youfeel uneasy and that can be a dangerous game both for your mental and physical health.
  • 2 min read
No matter what your passion, when you’re clean and sober you will find it easier tofollow it. You might dream of going to college and pursuing a new career. Or maybeyou want to take your career to the next level with some solid determination. Thoseare things you will do once you’re sober.
  • 2 min read

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